Current information
- Worship services are currently being recorded and posted on Facebook and YouTube. You can follow along with the services using our bulletin below.
Children/Youth Ministry:
- We have A LOT of ways to stay connected digitally during this time of physical distancing. Click the button below to learn about all the ways we are supporting our families!
- We will be sending emails via Mailchimp. If you currently subscribe to the announcements and newsletter you will receive our messages. If you do not currently subscribe please do so by putting your email address into the subscribe section on our home page.
- During this time when Trinity Lutheran Church has suspended all in person activities due to Covid-19 staff members of Trinity Lutheran Church may be in the church building working at times. However, every door of the church building will be locked. Please feel free to contact staff members via email or cell phone. Voice mail messages at the church may not be checked regularly by all staff.