Funerals at Trinity
If your family has experienced a death, please contact the church office at 507-934-4786 for further information and assistance.
Funeral Preplanning
Preplanning can be a tremendous gift to your family and helps assure your intentions to be fulfilled. One of Trinity’s pastors would be willing work with you on a plan.
Death Notification
Please notify pastors or church office immediately so that appropriate pastoral care and planning may occur in timely fashion. The Church Calendar needs to be consulted before scheduling a funeral. However, we make every attempt to accommodate a bereaved family.
Funeral Scriptures
Scriptures read at funerals or memorial services reflect our hope and promise found in the resurrection of Christ Jesus. Pastors will assist in making choices and offering suggested options.
Funeral Music
The selection of music for one’s funeral service should reflect personal preferences and celebrate Easter hope and the consolation that is ours in Christ. We encourage congregational singing and will assist in appropriate hymn selections.
Funeral Preplanning
Preplanning can be a tremendous gift to your family and helps assure your intentions to be fulfilled. One of Trinity’s pastors would be willing work with you on a plan.
Death Notification
Please notify pastors or church office immediately so that appropriate pastoral care and planning may occur in timely fashion. The Church Calendar needs to be consulted before scheduling a funeral. However, we make every attempt to accommodate a bereaved family.
Funeral Scriptures
Scriptures read at funerals or memorial services reflect our hope and promise found in the resurrection of Christ Jesus. Pastors will assist in making choices and offering suggested options.
Funeral Music
The selection of music for one’s funeral service should reflect personal preferences and celebrate Easter hope and the consolation that is ours in Christ. We encourage congregational singing and will assist in appropriate hymn selections.
Worship |
Address & Telephone511 S 5th Street
St. Peter, MN 56082 507-934-4786 |
Office HoursMonday -Thursday:
9:00 am - 3:00 pm |
© Trinity Lutheran Church 2015